Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cody’s 7th Birthday!


Ok- so it was about 2 months ago…but better late than never, right?

I think we have done just about every party place you can think of.  Pizza places, burger places, sports places you name it we have probably had a party there.  It was almost Cody’s birthday and I had no idea what to do.

Meanwhile, Cody had been talking non-stop about the movie, How to Train Your Dragon 3-D, for weeks!  He wanted to see it and that was all there was to it.  Opening week, we would go see it. 

That weekend happened be around his birthday.  Since I had been in a dilemma of where to have his party, a movie party was the answer to my prayers. 

I looked on line and booked the party.  It was awesome!

We got a special tour of the reel room where all the magic happens.  They showed how the movies are set up, rewound and stored.  IMG_3689IMG_3691

(yes, that is a movie tee he is wearing. you knew that would happen)

Cody actually got to start the movie we were going to see. 


(and we got to cut in line to get our snacks.  Once we ordered, they brought them to our seats.  You know how those lines for popcorn and candies are, so you know how wonderful this kind of service is! You know what I’m talking about!  Yes, you do.)

It was a really cute movie.  I want a dragon for a pet now.  We have already added the movie to our que on Netflix.  It was a family hit!

Oh, our tour guide, Marcus, he was awesome!  Overall the party at the movies was well worth every penny!  A movie party is one we will have to do again.  Hmmm, I wonder what will be out around my birthday.

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