Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Christmas Hunting Trip

One of our new family traditions is the boys Christmas hunting trip.

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It is a great chance for them to bond, and for me to get a nice break after the hectic holidays.          

Every now and the I will go with them, but usually I have a ton of projects going on and enjoy the peace and quiet.  Not having to clean up after them is of course a plus. LOL

They have so much fun camping in the Hill Country. 

Shooting guns:


Roasting Marshmallows:



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Playing in the Frio:



What could be better than boys and nature?   I do worry about them while they are out there.  They always come home refreshed and full of life…and a little stinky too.  *giggle*

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Silly Boys!

Our family loves to take pictures.  And we really love taking pictures of our silly selves in silly places.  It is a proud tradition I have passed along to my boys.  Silly boys!

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Here are a couple of pics from our outings.  The craft stores are the very best!  So many things to see there, so many options for silly pictures.

Here are some from our trip to Party City shopping for Super Bowl supplies.

22477_258183379846_734999846_3126624_1730759_n What football heads!



                                       Wakka Wakka Wakka





                                                                  Can you feel the music?!


     Cody & Ian receiving their ROCK GOD awards.

What funny guys I have.  I think everyone should be silly every so often.  Life would be a little boring without a little fun.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Miniature Army Models


My boys love to craft.  Even Johnny!

We went to our local Hobby Lobby and bought a couple of army models for the boys to do.  John loved to do these when he was growing up.

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Knowing how much my boys love to craft, paint and draw, I knew they would love doing this!

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They were so proud of their finished project!  Great job guys!

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