Sunday, September 20, 2009

John’s Fishing Excursion

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So by now, you know how much my husband loves to fish! 

Whenever he gets the chance- he is at the lake.

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This past Monday was no different.  That’s right-I said Monday!

This is my competition…isn’t she pretty?

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Got a boat, some friends & gear…he was set!

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What a day he had!  I am so looking forward to the fish fry!  Don’t worry, there will be a blog for that too.  I know how excited you are about that.  Don’t deny it- you want to be invited.

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Here is an awesome car they saw while fishing:

They had a great day fishing and brought in an awesome haul!

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Whoo Hoo!  The fish fry is on!  Yum-O!!

The Outrageous Spontaneous Silly Adventures of SheShe & Becca

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Ok- so when my sister Becca & I get together…we turn into 12 year olds.  What’s wrong with that?  Nothing!  Absolutely Nothing!

You never know what will transpire when we are together.  I always have my camera at the ready!

I took a day off this last week to hang out with Becca -do a little lunch and shopping.  And as always- a little silliness.

We met our friend Gaelynn for lunch.  She never knows what to expect when she is around us.


Unfortunately she had to go back to work…and we were left alone.  To do -whatever it is we do. 

I just had to photo document the event.

First we hit up Michael’s Craft Store:

Then to JoAnn Fabrics:

Then on to Hobby Lobby:

I showed my hunny the pictures- he wasn’t impressed.  But my boys loved them!  They love to be around my sister and I when we get juvenile.  I guess it makes then feel like being a grown up isn’t always so serious.  In my opinion, you need to have a little silliness every so often!

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Make the most out of life, don’t sweat the small stuff & love your family with all your heart!

Ian’s 1st soccer game!

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Ian decided that he wanted to go to soccer camp this summer.  I guess he saw how much fun it was to practice with Cody’s team.

Whatever the reason- I was glad he wanted to do an outdoor sport.  You know, something that didn’t involve a computer.  Not that Ian won’t somehow, find a way to incorporate a computer into soccer.   I can see him now, configuring trajectories and arches.

He did a great job his first game!

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We played a girl team…a really good girl team.

The girls that are really good (and I mean really good), play the boy teams.

These girls were tough-and older!

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Ian is such a sweet little guy.  He takes it easy on the girls.  Even when he was in karate, he would let them beat the crap out of him.  He just won’t hit a girl.  I am proud of him for that.  The competitive side of me says- if they put on that uniform, they are looking for a fight!

He just needs to find that balance.  But I think he liked playing against the girls…even though they won  4 –2.

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Ian loves soccer!  He is already talking about signing up for next season!

Cody’s 1st soccer game- 2nd season

Whoo Hoo!  It’s soccer time!  Cody loves soccer.  He was sad when soccer camp was over, so he is really excited that the fall season has started.

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                        Cody getting psyched.

He is so much fun to watch.


Getting ready…

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   Warming up…   food 048                                             That’s my boy!

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Cody and his cousin Lachlan- they are really close! We are glad they get to play this last season together.  Next season they separate boys & girls. 

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I can’t believe my little guy can take such a hard hit and keep on going.  He got hit a couple of times during the game. 

After the game we had this conversation:

Cody - “Mom- they hit me in the chest 2 times, in the arm 1 time.”

Me -     “Did it hurt?”

Cody -  “Yeah, but I just get all psycho on them.  I get them back.”

Me-      “Oh, really.” *nervously* “And how do you get them back?”

Cody-   “I score a goal on them.”

Whew! * Big sigh of relief*

You just never know with Cody.  He feels that he has to retaliate, when he feels he has been wronged.  He has a hard time letting things go- justice must be served.  We have been working on that, and he is now understanding that it isn’t the best course of action.

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Half time meeting & snack.

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                                 My hunny!

It’s Game Time!

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Cody can’t wait for practice next week! 

No matter what the outcome of the season is- I know he will enjoy it!