Saturday, March 13, 2010

Lightning Thief


Oh My Goshes!  I am so glad that my boys love to go to the movies.  I love movies, especially at the theater…on opening night!  I have a very sweet friend that luckily enjoys the same thing, and has boys the same age as Ian & Cody!  Our boys enjoy the same things so it makes for a perfect match!

My sweet friend introduced me to a new book series:  Percy Jackson & The Olympians by Rick Riordan.  Who by the way happens to live here in San Antonio!  He also wrote 39 Clues that Ian loves.  You don’t know how excited that makes Ian.  Just thinking that we may, at some point, just so happen to run into him.  Where I’m not sure…but it could happen. 

I’m sure you have all heard of the movie Lightning Thief.  If you haven’t read the books- you should.  Lately the books that Ian has been reading, are all turning into movies.  So we are really excited to see how the movies will compare to the books.  We have some interesting discussions comparing and critiquing them.

We got the boys movie shirts- a must have on movie day!

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Ok- so you can’t see Cody's…but it is there.

And as always- you have to get your picture taken by the giant oversized movie poster!  Always!

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We can’t wait until the next movie adventure.  We are going to see Diary of a Wimpy Kid coming out March 19th!  I guess I should start looking for movie shirts!



TSO-Trans-Siberian Orchestra!

I had heard many of my friends talking about this concert.  I thought it would be something the boys would like to see.  Boy- did they enjoy it! 

Sorry about the late post, things have been a little busy around the San Maritn house. This was a Christmas gift for the family.  Each year we get something that is for everyone.   This year it was TSO.

The rock n roll laser light show spectacular!





It was awesome!  But I will warn you- it is really, really long!  I’m not sure if we will see it again, but I am glad we had a chance to experience it.  It was spectacular!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!

Heart   Flowers   Chocolates!

Mmmm- did I hear Chocolate?!  Yes!!  And lots of it too!

My sweetie pie surprised me this year with lots of chocolates, beautiful roses & a super sweet and romantic love note!  I won’t share the love note with you- but believe me…it was beautiful!



The boys also got me Valentines.  They each gave me a Nintendo DS game and cooking magazines.  I know, I’m just a big kid.  You wouldn’t believe how handy it is to have this DS!  It is perfect for those times you have to wait for something- you know what I mean.  When you are waiting at the doctors office, waiting for a prescription to be filled, soccer practice or school to let out.  It really helps pass the time at those moments.

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It was a perfect Valentine’s Day!  I love my guys!