Thursday, January 21, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday! 

Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year.  I just love everything about it.  The smells…ohhhhh- the smells!  Cinnamon, cloves, sugar…baked apples. *drool*  Oh…stop!  I can’t take it anymore.  Ok.  I’m ok.  What else…Oh yeah- the lights! 

Every year we look forward to seeing The City of Lights in Windcrest.  Always a treat!  The City of Windcrest has the most lights in town.  Everyone in the city has tons of lights…and I mean EvErYoNe!

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Oh!!!  Did I mention the lights?!

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I almost forgot….2009 was the 50th Anniversary of the city celebrating Christmas with lights.  Congrats Windcrest!

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So much fun!  We drive around all night looking at the lights! 

It is one of our favorite family traditions!

Meet the Author- Diane deGroat

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Our Elementary school is the best!  They have authors come to school to inspire our kids several times a year.  The first author to visit was Diane deGroat.  We were so excited!  We love, love, love her books! 


This one is one of our favorites!  They are about a possum named Gilbert.  I love Gilbert!  He is the perfect character for my boys to read about.  He is the typical little “boy”, going through “boy” things in life.  They can relate to him really well.

The boys can’t wait to see what Gilbert will do next.  Look at him…isn’t he a cutie?!  Her illustrations always draw you in- they are so vivid and enchanting! 

Before we met the author…we first we had to get books for her to sign.  You know us…we love anything that involves going to Borders!   The challenge is not to buy EVERY book in the store.  Once we got our books, we were ready to meet the author.


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Diane deGroat is author and/or illustrator of several great books.

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The boys were very excited to meet author Diane deGroat and have their book signed. 

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Whenever we go to Borders, they find her books and tell me. 

                    “Mom- look!  We know her!  She is awesome!”

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She is a very inspiring woman.  Ian was so inspired – as soon as he came home, he started writing in his journal.

We are looking forward the her upcoming books!  Thanks Diane for inspiring us all!